Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Enemy Growing In Oneself (EGO)
Life is very small , and this monster Ego makes it even smaller . The beauty of this disease is that it plays with our heart and brain .Our heart always forced us to kick on the communication by putting up sweet memories of good days in front of us , but then suddenly mind started putting bizzare questions
Why should i talk to him/her ?
If he/She does not care for me why i will care ?
If i call him/ Her or initiate communication i will become smaller?
It comes in many forms, sometimes being stubborn, sometimes anger, sometimes inability to tell truth and then getting yourself engaged thinking that things will not disturb you and you become happy for certain time. But in long run this happiness is fake. Some people call it practicality or a way about moving ahead in life, the common phrase used by them is Lets move on. I call it an act of a coward. Today you may move but again there comes a phase in life where leaving a relation is not possible then what, then these people use word like sacrifice the things or compromise , again they are faking themselves, if one does not have the courage to face truth today, U'll never have it again. Life will move on, definitely but then U'll have a loop hole in life which u'll not even come to know and u'll start doing same things with different person with different name to the relation.
But the question lies still there only, Are you completely true to yourself or the person. Ans is No, only your brain lets you live in a fictitious world where you search same things but with different names, and u call it happiness. Where as Happiness lies in being true. If you don't believe me look back in your life some time back, U'll realize it. Moving on in life is not by changing relations or by thinking that things have finished, moving on means defining true relations, treasuring the moments and then never letting a hole in your life by missing one and searching for better person.
May be I'm wrong but this particular thought came in my mind as I was busy in fighting myself from last almost 5-6 months. Many a times I was pissed off, reacted badly but now I know that the biggest hindrance to mankind is EGO. We need to eradicate ourself from these worthless thoughts or at least learn the art to gain control over it . I know its very tough , but believe me the end result is very soothing and placid . Now , we don't allow this poisonous tree inside us to grow any more which is continuously sulking our happiness and satisfaction . I know , it will take time and strong will power to do this but we help each other by doing post on this blog .I strongly think if we root it out from us , we will make one step forward in the search of true happiness .
Take this as an opportunity , pick your phone ,keep your ego aside and call your friends/relatives to whom you want to call. I know after reading this you all may think this is all crap and cut the phone. But please don't think much , don't stop yourself to dial , don't let your brain to win over heart kyunki "KAL HO NA HO" . We can do STD , ISD but there is no facility to call in Heaven , so by reacting late and by too much pondering don't put yourself in such a helpless condition.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Psychology across Dimensions
It’s a lazy evening, may be because tomorrow I have a holiday! I hate holidays now, the day I have realized myself to be an engineer. Being an engineer, I am proud of two things, first that I am not a mathematician; secondly I am not a statistician. Honestly, I could never relate mathematics to my physical world, maybe I could never understand if you multiply 2 footballs by 3, you get 6 balls! I mean, how balls can multiply themselves. One should argue that we actually add 2 balls thrice. This is where our mathematics supersedes our logical ability. How much are 2 or why 2 is two; because we can count things or because mathematics tells us? I feel mathematics only tells us counting, and statistics tells us counting physical object n times but never tells us the actual meaning of thing that is being counted, that’s where we engineers work, somewhere between mathematics and the object in question. But I still feel, what is the significance of things which we can’t count or maybe we are unsure of.
We call those things relations. Are we certain about things that we relate but cannot compute? Let’s say, we are related to our dreams or related to our motivations, our feelings, our apprehensions or our mental coordination with the physical world. Our mathematics has no role in the way things are related to us or any kinds of possible connectivity. This is out of scope for mathematics, engineering or statisticians. Psychologists may help us in telling the possibilities of brain thought process and its relation with environment. We like certain things and dislike few things. We find some things closely related to ourselves which few things are randomly kept in our way. Certain things annoy us, but mostly things excite me.
I can say, at the given time frame (if we freeze time for a moment), we have n-numbers of possibilities to deal with things in surroundings. I can move right or left or I can eat apple or peach or I can move right with eating apple. The probability of selecting certain things or optimum things required out of us is less. But if you believe in probability is less, thank you! Because that’s what probability means believing in existence of other outcomes and not in the chance of occurrence of something. This is a recent experience which I had come across.
Take a second case, when we don’t have time in the place. But how come, we don’t have time in existence? I just supposed for a while, that I am working in a company and I don’t know what the time now is. I am working in a closed space which has constant environment even in day or in night. Now, we can’t relate things with time, how do we know, if its lunch time? So, in that case, we relate ourselves to position when we are hungry. May be this time is before or after actual lunchtime or at the same time, but our main concern is, shifting of relations. We can shift the correlativity or, in other words, can cheat ourselves unknowingly. Now when the n-dimension affects us, we can change some factors of n-dimension to get the maximum output from us or optimum in some cases. An employee can work faster when he is given a work without a deadline (so that he removes a pillar of n-dimensions and replace it by objective. If he works with deadline and a time frame, his objective function will be now work + time this can overload on same n pillar which make him stressful. So, a smart manager should give freedom to employees, suitable environment in which he can correlate and no deadlines!
While thinking about this, I wanted to know how our body growth responds when we are kept in a place which are same at all the time, our brain doesn’t know of the change happening in time, as if time remains same. I agree that the average time period of cells death and formation remains same, but I feel the growth of our body is someway related to our mental strength unknowingly. I could not found any impressive documented paper on this. Anyway, it was just a thought. Thanks for reading till the last.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Unified Theory of Civilization
As discussed earlier there are basically 4 components of any society..
1. Religion
2. Economics
3. Politics
4. War

* So its economics which prepares the field for the fruits of terrorism...
The second step is "Religion"(being particular we are talking about current terrorism which is sometimes said as Islamic one).. An economically frustrated class when comes under religious identification, all the real and hypothetical problems gets an answer and thats in form of Gods and basically is the crap told to us by messengers.. Its very easy for us to alienate a class or group on the basis of religion because its exactly determined and very clearly defined..

The third and fourth steps are "Politics" and "War" respectively both are so interconnected that we have to discuss one to talk about another.. Its the fact that the problem of one is created by the other.. Every country is facing a problem of terrorism but also nourishing one.. Like Pakistan facing baluchistan and muhajir movements but nourishing as we all know in India.. India facing the well known terrorism but gives full support to all the terrorist causes in Pakistan also LTTE and many other. Best example is what US is facing in Afghanistan where his own puppy is biting him for more than a decade..
Why these country need to do this ??
Terrorism substitutes the "War" in the other half of Twentieth century as invention of "The Bomb"(Nuclear) stopped all other.. And now the war shifted from frontier to squares of the cities as stakes of the direct war are horribly high, So the Countries with their Intelligence (Raw,ISI,Mossad, CIA etc etc) ..
The cause is still same to weaken other nation but the execution is an unclear one, also the executioners are the one without any identification or even nationality so Terrorism is not the problem of a particular religion or group.. Its a planned policy backed by almost all the countries across the globe...
*Thus the Politics executes a special type of Warfare(Terrorism) by the factories of Religion which converts Economically raped person into a weapon which is so fierce that generally the one who makes it comes in the flames at last...
Now we can not supress the ambition of any Nation neither the ambition of their rulers..
So 2 things could be done to counter this problem is...
1. Improve the economic conditions of the large areas, It do not means giving employment guarantee but opening of factories which creates 4th grade jobs at large scale because its useless to hope 50 IAS from one such locality.. By generating low grade employment(which do not need too much qualifications) the Economic condition will improve gradually and thus they will understand the power of literacy in course of time...
Its ok if there are many isolated families living in economic troubles but its lethal for any state if a large section of society, living in a geographically same area, is deprived Economically and specially if shares a common religion ....

2.By awareness or forcefully, no religious group should have right to educate children in any form let it be "madarsaas" or "Gurukuls" or whatever...
There must be board affiliations like CBSE or ICSE or whatever for each and every academic center, religion is harmonious if personal but amazingly wild if it drives a people in group, Therefore a proper education cannot and must not be given by any religious group...
I know the solution is not so simple but it can surely help the whole scene in the long term and also can help the mutual coexistence of religiously different groups in the same society....